Spet na razstavo
V soboto in nedeljo pa greva spet na razstavo se malo pokazat.. :) In sicer na specialko v soboto ob 17h, v nedeljo pa na CACIB Tromostovje.. :) Je pa oboje na Gospodarskem razstaviscu. Psov bo ogromno - na CACIB je kavalirjev vsega skupaj se mi zdi da 38 (v soboto pa 40). Pa samckov je malo vec kot samick... Kaj vec pa bom izvedela sele v nedeljo.
Elly se vedno malo diska (disi), ker sva danes srecale enega zlatkota, pa jo je skoz vohu, cvilu in gledal kako za vraga bi to malo zverco naskocil lol.. :) Ga je mogla gospodarica kar prit iskat in stran odpeljat.. Jaz pa Elly v drugo smer... Sem prasala V. zakaj se vedno disi, pa je rekla, da pac to traja, pa da ce jo bom dobro umila pred razstavo, da najbrz ne bo take panike.. Pa revcko bom mogla najbrz kar malo v boxu met, ce bo kriza... :-S
So pa nasi tamali (v soli) dobili vstopnice za razstavo.. Ful super.. :) Sem jim povedala, da bova tudi midve tam, pa da naj naju pridejo malo pozdravit.. :) So kar navduseni bili, da hocejo pridt, bomo vidli, kaj bodo starsi rekli..
Drugace pa je Ljubljana cist depresivna.. Ni cudno, da se vsi razhajajo, umirajo in so depresivni in tecni... Sama megla in oblacnost ze tako dolgo, da sploh ne pomnim, kdaj je sonce nazadnje pokukalo skozi vse to... Se dobro, da sem sla malo ven iz tega med pocitnicami... pa se nagledala soncka.. :) Tak, da KOMAJ cakam, da bo ze pomlad!!!!
We're going to the dog show on Saturday and Sunday to show Elly a bit.. :) We're going to the special show for small breeds on Saturday at 17h and on CACIB Tromostovje on Sunday.. :) It's on Gospodarsko razstavisce (Ljubljana fair)... There will be a lot of dogs - there are 38 cavaliers on CACIB on Sunday (40 on Saturday) and there are a bit more dogs than bitches. And more I'll find out on Sunday.. :)
Elly's still smelling a bit. We met one Golden retriever today and he was all over her - smelling and crying and looking how the heck would he jump on this little thing hehe... His lady had to came and pull him away... I asked V. why does she still smell and she said it's just so... And that I have to wash her good before the exhibition and she'll be okay.. If now she'll have to be in the box most of the time.. poor thing.. :-S
My pupils in school got the invitations for the dog show and I told them I'll be there with Elly and that they should come and see us.. :=) They are very fond of it but we'll see what their parents would say hihi.. :)
Otherwise Ljubljana is really depressed...No wonder people are breaking up, dying or just are so depressed and nasty... It's only foggy and cloudy sooo long, I don't even remember when the sun shone for the last time.. Good that I went out of here at least a bit during the holidays... and see some sun.. :) Well, I CAN NOT wait that spring comes!!!! :)
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