nedelja, 20. januar 2008

Kavalirsko srecanje nr. 1 - 19.1.2008

Pa je slo mimo kot bi mignil!
Smo se zbrali Elly, Quido, Iris in Ymonn in seveda njihove lastnice.. :) Sli smo na sprehod na bliznji travnik in tam so se nasi kavalircki podili sem in tja, grizli veje, se vohali, mali cvilili... Elly in Iris sta se drzali bolj kot ne zase... Iris je ze cela dama, kako naj se sploh igra z mulci... Elly je imela ocitno svoj trenutek hehe.. Malo je se disala in Quido je bil zato cist bogi... Ga je morala imet Kaja kar na vrvici.. :-S Ymonn pa je bil kot najmlajsi udelezenec cisto nor.. Samo skakal in tekel je sem in tja, gor in dol.. In z lajanjem tezil ostalim trem.. :)
Sli smo se tudi malo zmocit v potocek, potem pa k nama na flancate in sok.. :) No, kuzki pa so dobili nekaj zelenega (am, tisto nekaj za zobke cistit, Elly jih ne mara vec, pa jih imava se celo vreco:-S)...

Ne bom vec dolgovezila.. Tule so slikice.. :)

It went by fast as nothing...
There we gathered Elly, Quido, Iris and Ymonn and their owners of course.. :) We went for a walk on a close by hill and our cavaliers were running here and there, smelling eachother, cry a bit.. Iris was hanging more for herself, she's a total lady already and doesn't really want to hang around babies.. :) Elly had her day again... And also she's still smelling I guess cause Quido was smelling her all the time and crying a lot so Kaja had to have him on the leash... :-S And Ymonn as the youngest one was running around, playing and barking at everyone else to go and play.. :) We also went to a little stream to wash a bit.. :) And then to our place on some 'cakes' (no idea how's the english word for that) and juice... And the dogies got sth green for their teeth. Elly doesn't like that anymore and we have a full bag of them so... :)

But enough talking.. Enjoy the pics.. :)

1 komentar:

Fruc (Qwenn od Jihlavské brány) pravi ...

Kak sem vam fouš vidim Fruca kak bi uživu v pasji družbi. Slikce so pa super. Upam, da se v blišnji prihodnosti obeta kako nadaljevanje in da se nam bo uspel pridružit:)


Moj guestbook.. :-)