petek, 25. januar 2008

V. na obisku

V. hvala za ful lepe slikice.. :)

Thx, V. for the great pics!

torek, 22. januar 2008

Mi trije

Elly, Sabina & Lino

nedelja, 20. januar 2008

Kavalirsko srecanje nr. 1 - 19.1.2008

Pa je slo mimo kot bi mignil!
Smo se zbrali Elly, Quido, Iris in Ymonn in seveda njihove lastnice.. :) Sli smo na sprehod na bliznji travnik in tam so se nasi kavalircki podili sem in tja, grizli veje, se vohali, mali cvilili... Elly in Iris sta se drzali bolj kot ne zase... Iris je ze cela dama, kako naj se sploh igra z mulci... Elly je imela ocitno svoj trenutek hehe.. Malo je se disala in Quido je bil zato cist bogi... Ga je morala imet Kaja kar na vrvici.. :-S Ymonn pa je bil kot najmlajsi udelezenec cisto nor.. Samo skakal in tekel je sem in tja, gor in dol.. In z lajanjem tezil ostalim trem.. :)
Sli smo se tudi malo zmocit v potocek, potem pa k nama na flancate in sok.. :) No, kuzki pa so dobili nekaj zelenega (am, tisto nekaj za zobke cistit, Elly jih ne mara vec, pa jih imava se celo vreco:-S)...

Ne bom vec dolgovezila.. Tule so slikice.. :)

It went by fast as nothing...
There we gathered Elly, Quido, Iris and Ymonn and their owners of course.. :) We went for a walk on a close by hill and our cavaliers were running here and there, smelling eachother, cry a bit.. Iris was hanging more for herself, she's a total lady already and doesn't really want to hang around babies.. :) Elly had her day again... And also she's still smelling I guess cause Quido was smelling her all the time and crying a lot so Kaja had to have him on the leash... :-S And Ymonn as the youngest one was running around, playing and barking at everyone else to go and play.. :) We also went to a little stream to wash a bit.. :) And then to our place on some 'cakes' (no idea how's the english word for that) and juice... And the dogies got sth green for their teeth. Elly doesn't like that anymore and we have a full bag of them so... :)

But enough talking.. Enjoy the pics.. :)

torek, 15. januar 2008

Mali kavalirski miting. :)

S Kajo (od Quida) sva se pogovarjale, da se bi dobili malo ta vikend (natancneje v soboto popoldne) z nasimi kavalircki... Zaenkrat sva v igri samo midve (oz. samo Elly in Quido), upam pa, da bo imel se kdo cas in prisel v Ljubljano.. :) V bistvu komaj cakam, da se dobimo, pa ceprav samo midve s Kajo, saj bosta to ze dva kavalircka na kupu.. :)
Tk da... Ce bere tole kak kavalirski lastnik, ki ima v soboto popoldne cas za en sprehod in divjanje po travniku... Naj se oglasi, pa mu povem nadaljna navodila, kje tocno se dobimo..;)

Kaja (owner of Quido) and me were talking about meeting us on Saturday afternoon with our cavaliers.. :) For now only me and Kaja are in the game but I sure hope some more cavalier owners will have time to come to Ljubljana and meet us... To play and go for a walk.. :) Would love to invite our foreign visitors as well, but I guess it's a bit long journey.. ;)

nedelja, 13. januar 2008

CAC+CACIB Ljubljana 2008

Pa je mimo!
Vceraj sva bile na specialki, dobile perspektivno, danes na cacibu pa zelo perspektivno... Pa da napisem, kaj so nama napisali.. :)

Specialka - perspektivno (sodnik Andrew H. Brace - GB):
strongly made to the point of being (buing pise sicer) masculine, a little plain in head, exc. pigment (a je excellent al kaj drugega?), well marked, topline and movement need to improve.

CACIB - zelo perspektivno (sodnik Hans Mueller - CH):
strong female, plenty of substance (?huh?), good topline (!), corr. bones, strong chest, femme head, bite ok, dark eyes, movement correct.

Mmm, pac razlicni sodniki ne? *gg*
No, kakorkoli.. Pa se slikice.. :)

It's over.. :)
Yesterday on the special show we got promising and today on CACIB very promising... And let me write what they wrote to us.. :)

Special show - promising (judge Andrew H. Brace - GB):
strongly made to the point of being masculine, a little plain in head, exc. pigment, well marked, topline and movement need to improve.

CACIB - very promising (judge Hans Mueller - CH):
strong female, plenty of substance (?huh?), good topline (!), corr. bones, strong chest, femme head, bite ok, dark eyes, movement correct.

So, different judges, different marks.. :)

Whatever.. Here are some pics.. :)

sobota, 12. januar 2008

Se malo...

... pa greva na specialko.. :) Spale sva do 9h, sle ven in se nagledale SONCKA!!!!!!!!!!!! Skoraj me je pobralo od veselja, ko sem ga zagledala (so rekli, da je v zadnjih 40 dnevih in vec bilo le 28 minutk soncka v Ljubljani).. Sicer se nama je kar kmalu skril za oblake ampak vseeno! Soncek.. :) No, pa skopale sva se tudi.. Posusile, pa pocesale.. pa najedle tudi... Zdaj sem na vrsti se jaz.. *gg* Pred specialko grem se na Gasperjev 1. rojstni dan (sincek od moje prijateljice) potem ob 16h pa spon do tja.. :) Pride nama E. delat druzbo, pa pogledat buco, ce bo kaj pridna. ;)) Jutri pa se CACIB... Baje pride cel kup kavalirskih mam.. :) To bo super! Komaj cakam, da se vidimo, ceprav bodo brez svojih kavalirckov.. :-(

Just a bit more and we're going to the special CAC :) We slept till 9 am, went out and see the SUN!!!!!!! I almost died of happiness cause I saw it (um, they said in the last 40 days or more we only had 28 minutes of sun in Ljubljana).. Well, it hide quite soon behind the clouds but anyways.. :) Sun. :) Well, we also took a bath, dried, combed... and ate.. :) And now it's my turn *gg*... Before the CAC I'll go to the 1st birthday of my friend's baby - Gasper... And at 4 pm I'll go to the CAC... E. will come to see us and see if Elly will be good in the ring. ;) And tomorrow it's CACIB... There will be quite some cavalier mums.. *gg* I can't wait to see them even though they won't be bringing their doggies with them.. :-(

četrtek, 10. januar 2008

Ellyjin dan

Ja, danes ma buca absolutno svoj dan.
Sem prisla domov iz sluzbe malo kasneje kot ponavadi (ampak veliko prej kot v ponedeljek), pa me jep ricakala luzica (v ponedeljek je ni bilo)... In pol to vse pomijem, pa pridem do dnevne in sem sam dol padla. Omara je bila odprta in na sredi dnevne je lezala velika pahljaca, ki sem jo dobila za rojstni dan pred leti. Na sreco je ni pogrizla tako veliko, da bi bila unicena, ampak je pa nekaj lesa stran zvlekla.. :-S Brrrr.. pol se obrnem se na posteljo in tam zgrizen DVD (se dobro da ne kak original), katerega je izvlekla iz torbe za cdje, ki jo imam na eni polici... Ne me vprasat kako ji je to sploh uspelo, ampak ji je... Bahhh..
Sem jo kar v box mal zaprla... Pol sm bila pa se nase jezna, ker sem jo kaznovala.. :-(
Na sprehodu pa je veselo in junasko lajala na eno dobermanko, ko pa je ta pritekla k njej pa takoj rep med noge in bolj jokav lajez... hehe.. Pa taka frajla.. :)
Za 'kazen' je dobila samo brikete brez konzerve, ampak zgleda, da se ji je v celoti povrnil apetit, ker je vse takoj zmazala.. :) Zdaj pa spet spi.. :

Yes, today is definitly her day :)
I came home from work a bit later than usually (but sooner than on Monday) and a little pond was waiting for me in the kitchen (she didn't do anything on Monday)... I cleaned everything and went into the living room. The closet was opened and a big fan was lying in the middle of the room. She didn't destroy it a lot bit bite a bit of wood away. And on the bed there was a DVD, totally destroyed.. :-S Good it wasn't an original.. :-S She took it out of the cd bag - do not ask me HOW... :-S
I put her in the box cause she was so naughty and then I was angry on myself cause I punished her.. :-(
When we went out for a walk she was barking happily and bravely on one doberman but as soon as she came after her her barking was a bit crying one... hihi... And her tail between her legs.. :) Such a brave girl lol.. )
I 'punished' her by giving her only dry food but it was okay cause I guess her apetit is back - she ate them all instantly. And now she's asleep.. :)

sreda, 9. januar 2008

Poletne slikice

Mi je danes moj bivsi poslal slikice od njegove sestricne... Naju je slikala z Elly enkrat poleti (po moje zeloooo kmalu potem, ko je Elly prisla k nama, saj se mi zdi po fotkah sodec, da je se zeloooo mala - sem sele zdaj ugotovila, kok je zrasla hehe)...
Upam, da Nina ne bo huda, ce jih tule objavim.. :)

Today my ex sent my some pictures which were made be his cousin. She took pictures of me and Elly during the summer sometimes (I think it was quite early when we got her since she's so little on the pics - I just found out now how big she is now)...
Hope Nina won't be angry if I post them here.. :)

torek, 8. januar 2008

Spet na razstavo

V soboto in nedeljo pa greva spet na razstavo se malo pokazat.. :) In sicer na specialko v soboto ob 17h, v nedeljo pa na CACIB Tromostovje.. :) Je pa oboje na Gospodarskem razstaviscu. Psov bo ogromno - na CACIB je kavalirjev vsega skupaj se mi zdi da 38 (v soboto pa 40). Pa samckov je malo vec kot samick... Kaj vec pa bom izvedela sele v nedeljo.
Elly se vedno malo diska (disi), ker sva danes srecale enega zlatkota, pa jo je skoz vohu, cvilu in gledal kako za vraga bi to malo zverco naskocil lol.. :) Ga je mogla gospodarica kar prit iskat in stran odpeljat.. Jaz pa Elly v drugo smer... Sem prasala V. zakaj se vedno disi, pa je rekla, da pac to traja, pa da ce jo bom dobro umila pred razstavo, da najbrz ne bo take panike.. Pa revcko bom mogla najbrz kar malo v boxu met, ce bo kriza... :-S
So pa nasi tamali (v soli) dobili vstopnice za razstavo.. Ful super.. :) Sem jim povedala, da bova tudi midve tam, pa da naj naju pridejo malo pozdravit.. :) So kar navduseni bili, da hocejo pridt, bomo vidli, kaj bodo starsi rekli..

Drugace pa je Ljubljana cist depresivna.. Ni cudno, da se vsi razhajajo, umirajo in so depresivni in tecni... Sama megla in oblacnost ze tako dolgo, da sploh ne pomnim, kdaj je sonce nazadnje pokukalo skozi vse to... Se dobro, da sem sla malo ven iz tega med pocitnicami... pa se nagledala soncka.. :) Tak, da KOMAJ cakam, da bo ze pomlad!!!!

We're going to the dog show on Saturday and Sunday to show Elly a bit.. :) We're going to the special show for small breeds on Saturday at 17h and on CACIB Tromostovje on Sunday.. :) It's on Gospodarsko razstavisce (Ljubljana fair)... There will be a lot of dogs - there are 38 cavaliers on CACIB on Sunday (40 on Saturday) and there are a bit more dogs than bitches. And more I'll find out on Sunday.. :)
Elly's still smelling a bit. We met one Golden retriever today and he was all over her - smelling and crying and looking how the heck would he jump on this little thing hehe... His lady had to came and pull him away... I asked V. why does she still smell and she said it's just so... And that I have to wash her good before the exhibition and she'll be okay.. If now she'll have to be in the box most of the time.. poor thing.. :-S
My pupils in school got the invitations for the dog show and I told them I'll be there with Elly and that they should come and see us.. :=) They are very fond of it but we'll see what their parents would say hihi.. :)

Otherwise Ljubljana is really depressed...No wonder people are breaking up, dying or just are so depressed and nasty... It's only foggy and cloudy sooo long, I don't even remember when the sun shone for the last time.. Good that I went out of here at least a bit during the holidays... and see some sun.. :) Well, I CAN NOT wait that spring comes!!!! :)

ponedeljek, 7. januar 2008


Danes je bila buca super pridna... Sem bila na izobrazevanju in prisla domov sele okoli 15.30, pa ni NIC naredila doma.. :) (am, ja se vedno imam probleme s tem.. :-S)... No, in sva sle hitro na doooooolg sprehod... Pa sva prisle domov seveda ful umazane. In izpod tusa sem jo zavila v kopalni plascek (am, ja tudi to imava.. :-/ - Petrca, sam ne me fentat hihi) pa hitro naredile par fotkic.. :) Pol je vsa vesela (ko se je najedla) zaspala kar v plascku.. :) Pa se je posusila veliko hitreje kot vceraj brez plascka... :)

Today Elly was super good. I was at one education and I came home at about 15.30 and she didn't do ANYTHING in the flat! :) (am, yeah we still have those problems.. :-S)... We went straight on a long walk and came home quite dirty... After taking a little shower I put her in her bath-cloth and made some pics really fast.. :) After her lunch she fall asleep happily in her cloth.. :) She dried really faster than yesterday without the cloth.. :)


Takole je to....
Jaz ne grizem, Elly pa le vcasih, ampak nikoli tistega, ki nama pusti komentarcek.. :)
Tak da.. ne se bat... Naju boste samo razveselili, ce boste kaj pokomentirali.. :) - tudi sam zivjo bo dovolj.. :)

P.S. Hvala Kaji, Sari, Momu in Riverju, pa ostalim, ki nama velikokrat pustijo kak pozdravcek.. :)

That's how it is...
I do not bite, Elly only bites here and then but never those who leave us a comment.. :)
So, don't be afraid... You'll just make us happy if you'll leave a comment.. :) - only a hi will do.. :)

P.S. Thanks to Kaja, Sara, Momo and River and all the others who leave us comments a lot of times.. :)

sobota, 5. januar 2008

Zimske radosti

Takole pa sta se imela fajn Elly in Lino med prazniki.. :)

That's how Elly and Lino spent their holidays.. :)

petek, 4. januar 2008

Zelve v sliki.. :)

Zdaj pa naj samo se kdo rece, da ne rabim novega fotoaparata.. brrrr... Sploh se ne da normalno zelv slikat.. :-S
Just don't say now that I don't need a new camera.. I can't even take a good picture of my turtles.. :-S

četrtek, 3. januar 2008

Pobegla zelva

Joj, sama stala... Sem zelvama menjala vodo in sem ju kot obicajno dala na tla, da se mogoce malo razhodita preden ju dam nazaj v akvarij... Sem bila pridna pa jima sla kupit (kljub bornemu stanju na mojem racunu) kopno... In sem jima sedaj nalila ful vode, pa dodala filter.. Tako da imata ze skoraj raj na zemlji.. :)
No, in pac Elly, kot Elly, je svigala po spalnici, pa malo za mano, pol sem pa tocila vodo v steklenice, da bi jo nalila v akvarij (zelve so bile takrat na tleh) in Elly od nikjer.. Valda je bila v spalnici in snofala zelve.. Bah... In pridem tja, natocim vodo, itak ena zelva je sla v setnjo (nazadnje sem jo videla pod radiatorjem)... Pa pride cas, da dam zelve v akvarij in une druge NIKJER... Stala.. Le kam je sla? Elly jo je seveda hodila vohat in zelvica je usla... ZA OMARO!!! Aaaaa... Sej ne, da imam KOTNO omaro, ki je cist ob steni, pa se prikljucke ima ob strani... No, kakorkoli... Mi je B. rekla, da jo naj poskusam zbezat ven s kako palico.. Sem poskusla z deznikom in naredila se vecjo stalo, ker je samo usla se za vogal.. Cista stala... No, sem ji pac nastavila rakce in lucko, ce bi prisla sama od sebe ven... In sla na pevske... Tm povem kolegu, kaj se je zgodilo in je rekel, da nej premaknem omaro.. Hm, ja optimisticno, like never... No, in je sel do mene... T. izjava je bila, da je postal greenpeaceovec.. :) hihi... No, kakorkoli, premaknil je omare in mi resil zelvico.. :) Hvalaaaaaaa G.... :))
Elly pa ima zopet nekaj casa prepoved gibanja v spalnici hehe.. :)

Am, slikice novega akvarija pa jutri.. :) I promise.. :)

Well, what a thing... I was changing water to my two turtles and as usually I put them on the floor. Elly was circling around them and eventually she scared one of them so much that she run away and hide at the end of the closet... Shit.... B. told me to try and get her out with a stick or sth... But that was not a good idea since she hide even more behind the corner... :-( Well, I put her some food and a light if she would come out on her own... Went to choir and there I told my friend what has happend... He said he'll come to my place and try to move the closets and get her out... T. said he's a greenpeace man.. :) Well, he did it anyways! So cool.. :) She's in the aquarium again thx God.. :) Thanks G. :))
Well, Elly is forbitten to go to my bedroom for some time now.. again.. lol

And I'll give up some photos from the new improved turtle aquarium tomorrow.. :)

Zimski pajacek

Eto, sem koncno nasla minutko, da objavim buco z novim zimskim pajackom... Sicer ni se cist 100% okay, ampak dobro...

Well, I finally found a minute of time to publish some pics of Elly with her new winter coat.. :)

Moj guestbook.. :-)