sobota, 17. november 2007

Nasi zelvici

Doma imamo poleg Elly se dve zelvici (in 4 fishe, samo o njih mogoce kdaj drugic). Ime sem jima dala kar zevla in zevlak (baje naj bi bila samcek in samicka - mnja, bomo vidli)... ;-) Zdaj imam projekt, da jima kupim nov akvarij, blazno velik za nase stanovanje.. :-) Zdaj sta v sramotno mali plasticni posodici, taki pac, ki jih prodajajo za zelvice. Ja, no samo steklar, ki sem ga kontaktirala po internetu se mi ni se nic oglasil, tako da ga bom po moje drug teden kar poklicala... Ko se je shladilo, sem jima kupila tudi termostat, da nimata mrzle vode (ceprav imam na sumu, da termostat ne dela tako dobro, saj vec casa gleda ven iz vode, kot pa je v vodi, ker se zelve skoz grejeta na njemu in ga prestavljata sem in tja)... No, vceraj se sem ju dala malo na tla in Elly ju je veselo ovohavala, jaz pa sem jo drzala za uho in jo vlekla stran, ce je prevec v njiju rinila.. ;-) Zelvici sta se ful plasni, a ena se je ojunacila in odkorakala malo naokrog (mnja, po moje je hotla zbezat pred Ellyko).
No, vseeno ju je pa tudi nekaj casa le opazovala.. :-)

In our home, we have beside Elly also 2 little turtles (okay, and 4 fishes but about them maybe some other time). Their names are just Zevla and Zevlak (they're supposed to be male and female but I am not sure about it).
I have a project now cause I need to buy them a huge aquarium - huge for our flat.. ;) Now they are living in an embarrassingly small plastic bowl which you can buy in zoo-stores for turtles..
Well, the glass maker guy who I contacted didn't reply yet but I guess I'll just call him next week and ask about the aquarium. When it got cold I bought them a heater but they are on it all the time and it's looking out of the water so I guess it doesn't work as it should.. :-S Well, yesterday I put them on the floor a bit and Elly was curious about them and was trying to play with them I guess.. :-) Didn't let her much. They are really shy but one of them got brave and she was walking around the floor but she was probably just trying to get away from Elly.. :-) Well, but sometime she was just lying and looking at them.. :-)

Zevla in Zevlak
Zevla and Zevlak

Zevla in Zevlak na tleh
Zevla and Zevlak on the floor

Elly ju opazuje iz varne razdalje
Elly is watching them from the distance

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