Skrbnistvo.. :)
Mnja, je pac prislo do tega, kar se je ze dolgo cutilo... to namrec, da z mojim nisva vec skupaj. Pa sva se pogovarjala, da ce lahko on se kdaj Elly vzame... In sem se (tudi ze enkrat prej) hecala, da bova napisala pogodbo... Kdaj jo lahko vidi, vzame... pa koliko mora placat za prezivnino *LOL* No, kakorkoli, danes je sla za cez vikend z njim domov, kakor sva se menila itak ze cel teden. Tako da sem cel vikend sama in imam cas, da vse skupaj premislim, pa si poslihtam par stvari.
Elly pa sem danes hotela slikat z bozickovo kapco. Na zalost imam samo eno za ljudi, tako da ji je ful prevelika, pa je nikakor nisem mogla pripravit do tega, da bi bila mirna. Sem skoraj izgubila zivce, ker je skoz obracala glavo. Tudi za piskot ni mogla bit pri miru... na koncu ga ni dobila. Cakam iz Amerike, da bodo poslali bozickovo kapco za kuzke, pa da ji bo ta prav... Samo kaj k so SPET zabluzili in sta dve stvari za CAKAT in bom samo po******.... *ggrrrr* Pa tako sem gledala, da bo ja vse na zalogi! Ah, butli... Ziher ne bom nic dobila pred bozicem.. :-S
Mogoce med vikendom nalepim kaksno slikico gor... Ko jih bom koncno dala na racunalnik.. :)
Well, it finally came to this point...that me and my bf are no longer together. It was coming a long time already so... And we were talking about custody about Elly.. *gg* I said I will write a contract when he's allowed to come and take her for some days.. and how much money he'll have to pay for her.. :) *lol* Well, anyways, she went home with him today for the weekend like we were talking about the whole week already. So I am home alone all weekend and have time to think all the things over...
I wanted to take some pics of Elly today with an X-mas cap but it was too big for her (a human one) and I couldn't make her not to move... Was going crazy at the end already cause she was moving her head around all the time.. :-S She wouldn't do it even for the cookie... which she didn't get at the end. I ordered a doggie X-mas cap from USA but they fooled me again.. I checked so many times if all the items were in stock.. and at the end when I already sent my order I saw that 2 items are backorderd.. *grrrrr*... Now I will probably never get them before Christmas.. :-(
I'll try to do my best and put on some photos during the weekend. When I will finally give them on my computer.;-)