ponedeljek, 31. marec 2008

Izlet na morje

Vceraj smo sli na izlet na morje. Najprej smo si ogledali Tinjan oz. iz Tinjana lep razgled na okoliske doline in pa seveda morje. Potem pa smo se odpravili v Piran. Tam nas je lepo ogrel soncek, sprehajali smo se po obali, sli do mestnega obzidja in cerkve, na kosilo in sladoled. Elly je jedla malo kalamarov in malo giric. :) So ji bile zelo vsec..
Sledilo je tudi presenecenje, in sicer smo na obali srecali Fruca! :)) Veselo je brazdal po vodi za kamencki in se igral z zogo, katero mu je na konci odneslo predalec v morje. Zraven je bil tudi en italjanski kavalircek TC. :) Kok so bili fletni na kupu!

Na zalost pa nimam nobene slikice, ker sem buca pozabila fotoaparat doma.. :(

Yesterday we went on a trip to our seaside. First we went to Tinjan from where we observed beautiful view on valleys and sea. Then we went to Piran. The sun was shining on us and we were walking on the beach, went towards the church, also ate lunch and icecream.. :) Elly was eating calamari and 'girice' (some smaaaaall fishes).. :=) She liked them a lot.
We also had a nice surprise, we saw Fruc on the beach! He was happily walking in the water and playing with stones and his ball which the sea took away from him at the end. And beside Fruc there was also one italian cavalier TC. They were really cute all together. :)

Unfortunatelly I don't have any photos cause I forgot my camera at home.. :(

torek, 25. marec 2008

Naporno popoldne

Danes sva z Elly imeli na obisku eno malo puncko. Elly je bila cisto fascinirana nad vsemi igracami, katere sem dala ven, da smo se igrale. Imam polno jajck od medi Pujev (avtomati) in ti so jo najbolj pritegnili.. :) Cist je uzivala... No, tudi ene par stvari mi je unicila (zgrizla), ampak kaj ces.. Glavno, da je uzivala...
Zdajle pa spi v postelji kot ubita, je nic ne moti glasba, to da se jaz sprehajam naokrog, celo to, da sem sla prej po koscek cokolade in sumela s celofanom.. obicajno bi pritekla ko sus, danes ni niti mrdnila.. ;) hihi.. :) Komaj cakam, da mala puncka spet pride na obisk.. ;)

Today me and Elly got a visit... One little girl came to our place and Elly was totally fascinated of all the toys I gave out. I have a lot of plastic eggs from Winnie the Pooh's and she was really crazy about them, chasing them around living room.. :) She really enjoyed so much. Well, okay, she also destroyed (bite) some toys but who cares... I'm glad she enjoyed it a lot...
And now she sleeps in her bed like an angel.. :) She's not disturbed by music, me walking around or even me getting myself a piece of chocholate - she would run ASAP usually but today she didn't even glimpse... hihi.. :) I can't wait this little girl to come back on a visit. :) *gg*

ponedeljek, 24. marec 2008

Po snegu

Takole pa je potem, ko prideva domov iz sprehoda... Valjava se po jogiju v dnevni in se igrava z igrackami.. :)

That's what we do when we come back from the walk... We lay on the bed in living room and play with the toys.. :)

Sneg, sneg, sneg II

nedelja, 23. marec 2008

Sneg, sneg, sneg

ponedeljek, 17. marec 2008

Gonitev? Spet?? Se vedno??? Halo? Kaj? Nic ne stekam.. :S

Ja... Elly ze nekaj dni ful spet ovohavajo psi... in cvilijo okoli nje.. Sicer ne ne vem kok hudo, ampak vidi se pa, da je neki cudnega... Torej? Mi kdo lahko to razlozi??? Nic jasno namrec.. :S
Gonila se je decembra.. DECEMBRA, ja!! Zdaj je pa marec! Brrr...

Am worried that Elly is in heat again.. still?... Dogs are smelling her a lot and crying around her... Well, it's not THAT bad but it looks like something.. :S She was in heat in December... and now it's march!!!!!! Brrrrrrrrr.. ;)

Elly in medo Nejc.. :)

Tole sta pa moja pozerja.. :) hihi.. Medo Nejc pa Elly.. :))
Those are my two posers.. Nejc the bear and Elly. :))

Elly na sprehodu..
Elly on the walk...
Se vedno na sprehodu...
Still on the walk..
Little sniffer...
Elly in njena bozanska pikica.. :)
Elly and her magnificent spotty.. :)

ponedeljek, 10. marec 2008

Se malo...

... pa ga bomo zurali.. ;)

nedelja, 9. marec 2008

Naya na obisku

V petek sta se pri naju oglasili A. in njena Naya. :) Smo sle malo na sprehod, sta se Elly in Naya ful takoj zacele igrat in podit. Ful sta bile luskane.
Pol smo se oglasili se pri naju doma, da sva Nayi dale eno mikico... Ki sem jo narocila iz ZDA, valda so poslali miniaturno (ni se mi dalo vracat nazaj), ki je bila Elly ITAK ful premala... No, in zdaj jo ima Naya in je ful corti v njej.. :)

Pa se slikice.. :)

On Friday my friend A. and her Naya came to visit us. We went for a walk and Elly and Naya started playing and running around like crazy the same second they met. They were sooo cute.. :)
Afterwards we went to our place to give Naya a shirt from USA (which was actually for elly but they sent the smallest possible which was too small for her of course).. And now Naya has it and she's so adorable in it.. :)

Photos.. :)

sobota, 1. marec 2008

10 mesecev

Elly je vceraj imela 10 mesecev! :) Vse najboljse, bucka.. :))

myspace generator

myspace generator

Elly had 10 months yesterday! Happy birthday pumpkin! :))

Moj guestbook.. :-)