Sem ze posteno dolzna napisat tale post in prilepit slikice. Ampak RES ni bilo casa za to. Se Elly je ogromno na pocitnicah pri babici pa dedku;), ker imam polno obveznosti. Jah, konec leta je, ni kej. Vseeno pa...
Bile sva torej na Hrusici, ze nekaj casa nazaj. ;) Prvic sva bile v konkurenci mladih. In sva dobile 4, ker sva bile prevelike pa predolge. No, tule pa je najina ocena:
Malce prevelika in predolga in premozata?
Glava z dobrimi proporcami, lepa usesa, temne oci, Lep vrat in 'topline'.
Telo in kosti pravilne za njeno velikost. Dolga v ledvenem delu.
Lepa dlaka in obarvanost.
Dobro se giblje.
Srecale sva tudi K., ki je pripeljala na razstavo kar 3 kuzke.. :) In to enega cisto micenega kavalircka... :)) Pa Bacek in njena dva ljubceka sta tudi prisla pogledat.. :) Sta naju se lepo poslikala, da imava lepe slikice (hm, kolikor so lahko lepe z mojim bednim fotoaparatom)...
Pa sle sva kar hitro domov, glede na to, da sva dobile samo 4 in res nisva imele vec kaj tam cakat...
I really owe to write this post already. I really didn't have any time to do it since it's the end of the year and I'm busyyy.. :S
We were on exhibition in Hrusica a while ago. We were in the youth group for the first time. And we got 4 cause we were too big and too long. Here is our grade:
A bit big and long and too masculine. Head with good proportions. Nice ears, like darker eyes. Nice neck and topline. Steep cranp. (andyone knows what that means??). Body and bone to her size. Long in loin. Nice coat and markings. Good mover.
We also met K. who came there with 3 dogs.. :) One of them was a tiny cavalier.. :) And Bacek and her two loved ones came there as well. They made some nice pics of us (well, if they can be nice with my stupid bad camera:S).. And we went home quite fast since we got 4 and we didn't have and business there anymore...