torek, 29. april 2008
petek, 25. april 2008
četrtek, 24. april 2008
torek, 15. april 2008
Vcerajsnja vecerna prigoda
Takole je bilo.
Sva sle zvecer kot obicajno se lulat, pa sem rekla, da jo spustim, da bova opravile se kakanje, ker ni kakala ze od zjutraj (ponavadi mi to opravi ze v pozno popoldanskem sprehodu). Pa jo spustim in ona mi spici... In jo klicem, ji prigovarjam, ponavadi me uboga in takoj pride nazaj...
Tokrat pa ne. Pa grem gledat nazaj kje je, gledam okoli avtov pa smetnjakov, nje nikjer. Pa slucajno pogledam nekam dalec proc, pa tam nekaj podobnega Elly na sredi ceste. In jo zacnem klicat in jo prigovarjat naj pride. Pa me tista rec samo gleda, pol pa se le zacne pocasi premikat proti meni. In gre med ene avtomobile, jaz jo se vedno klicem.. In pol kar naenkrat se znajde Elly ob meni, veselo skace in se oblizuje.. HUH? No, sem ugotovila, da je bila tista rec ocitno ena macka.. :) hihi. Ampak, da me je kar ubogala? ;) Elly nimam pojma kje je bila, upala sem samo, da je opravila svojo vecerno dolznost.. :) Najbrz jo je, ker me zjutraj ni nic pricakalo.. :)
Yesterday's evening story...
It was something like this.
We went out in the evening on our pee-pee walk. I said I will let her go a bit if she will do that other thing as well. And when I did so she ran away. I started calling her and telling her to come back. And she was no where to be seen. I looked somewhere far away and I saw something similar to Elly standing in the middle of the street. I started calling her again and she just stood there still but soon she started to move towards me. She went to some cars so I went nearer and still calling. And suddenly Elly comes from a totally different direction behind me. And she was jumping and licking... :) HUH? Well, I guess that other thing was a cat who leaves in the neighbourhood.. :) And she obeyed me? ;) I have no idea where Elly was at that time, I just hoped she did her duty.. :) I guess she did since I had no bad morning welcome.. :)
nedelja, 6. april 2008
Elly je sla malo na pocitnice k mojim starsem... Jaz imam te teden celo guzvo in bi jo prevec zanemarjala, pa sem jo raje peljala tja, kjer se bo imela itak prevec fino, ker se ji posvecajo cel dan.. :S Le zakaj je pol TAKO razvajena? ;)
Elly went on holidays to my parents. I have a really busy week and would neglect her too much so I rather took her there where she will have a blast anyways cause they are all over her all day long.. :S Wonder why is she SO spoiled? ;)