Nic takega... Zdaj v predbozicnem casu se marsikaj dogaja. V sluzbi sem skoraj cele dneve, ker je moja sodelavka bolna, Elly je tako ali pri mojih starsih, ali pa jo prideta vsaj 1x ven peljat. Veselo se goni... :) In po stanovanju pusca za seboj rdece madeze... Se dobro, da nimam nobenim preprog hihi.. :)
Z E. sva dokoncno nehala in se je odselil. Tako sva zdaj samo se jaz in Elly..
Jutri gre buca na malo daljse pocitnice. K mojim starsem namrec. Enkrat bova obe prespale tam, da se navadi, potem pa bo se 2x prespala sama, ker grem jaz v Avstrijo na Angelov koncert.. :) Jupiii.. (ahm, Angelo Kelly namrec).. :)
Se vedno cakava na paket iz Amerike.. :-S Bozic pa je ze pred vrati. Nekaj slikic sva ze ustvarile z bozicno kapico, a so vse bolj tako tako, ker se samo premika in ne more bit sekundo pri miru.. pa se moj foto je v ****.. :-S Cene boljsih fotoaparatov pa mi niso prevec vsec, ker so tako visoke.. :-(
Tako, da ne vem kaj bo letos z mojimi voscilnicami.. :-(
V nedeljo imamo v KDju prednovoletno srecanje. Me zelo mika it, ampak kaj hudica naj tam pocnem z goneco psicko? Najbrz bodo znoreli, ce prideva.... Sicer ne disi se cisto prav, ampak vohajo jo pa ze...
Pa 29. 12. imamo v Mariboru kavalirsko srecanje.. Pa se ga najbrz ne bova mogle udelezit, ker bo tam vsak en psicek, ki bi prevec norel, ce se bo Elly gonila.. Pa tak bozic.. :-S
No, toliko od naju,..
What's new? Not much.... Now before Christmas many things are happening. Am working almost whole day since my colleague is sick. So Elly is staying with my parents or at least they come to my place to take her out once a day. She's in heat... So all the flat is covered in red stains lol.. *okay, not SO bad* ;) But it's good I don't own any carpets.. :)
My relationship with E. is totally over now. He moved out so it's just me and Elly now.
Tomorrow she's going to longer holidays to my parents. She'll be there till Sunday. I'm gonna sleep there once as well so she'll get used to it,... and then she'll stay there alone since I am going to Angelo Kelly's concert over the weekend.. :) Can't wait!
We're still waiting for the USA package... :-S And Christmas is almost here... We already made some photos with the X-mas cap but they're not good cause she's moving all the time and also my camera is REALLY bad... And the prices for a better one are so high.. :(
So I have no idea what's gonna happen with our X-mas cards this year.
In our chinoloque club they have a before-christmas-meeting on Sunday but I don't know how would it be going there with a doggie in heat.. :S Probably dogs will go mad if we come... Too bad.. :(
Also we are having a cavalier meeting in Maribor on 29.12. but we can't come cause there will be also at least one dog and she's probably gonna be in totally huge heat.. lol.. So we probably can't go there either.. :-S WHat a Christmas?!?!? ;(
That's all from us!